Online TPM courses

Free webinar - Translation Project Management: Focus on Project analysis


For Giving Tuesday 2019, I prepared this webinar on TPM, focusing on Translation Project analysis.

Click the 5th video.

ProZ TPM Nancy Matis


Free webinar - Post-mortems for translation projects


At SDL's request, I prepared a webinar on post-mortems for translation projects. You can view it via this link:


(Previous link:


Post-mortem for translation projects


Under Development


I will gradually publish new video courses on various aspects of Translation Project Management.

The first course is free and briefly presents the various management steps of a translation project.

Subsequent courses mainly deal with specific steps on how to manage a project. They can be used by end clients, project managers or any project participants, like translators, revisers, DTP teams, testers, etc. They should also help translation students to better understand translation project management and can serve as a basis for teachers in translation schools.

The table of contents below will be updated as soon as new courses are put online


Course name






Life cycle of a translation project

Main steps in managing a translation project

60 minutes


To be released

Fill in your wish list below*



120 minutes

35 EUR



To be released

Access the TPM video shop



120 minutes

35 EUR



To be released

Access the TPM video shop

Rates and price grids


180 minutes

45 EUR



To be released

Access the TPM video shop



120 minutes

35 EUR



To be released

Access the TPM video shop



120 minutes

35 EUR



To be released

Access the TPM video shop




















The price of the courses may vary depending on their length and content.

After purchasing a course, you will benefit from a 10% discount on any of the others.

Please make sure you always keep your invoices for each course. Your data will be registered in the system, but previous invoices might be requested at some stage.



Wish List


In the list below, select the courses that interest you most. Press CTRL to select several courses.

Please don’t hesitate to add your comments.

You can also indicate which other courses would be useful for you or your company.
