How to manage your translation projects

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Translation project management is a topic of interest for both project managers and freelance translators alike.
What information is used to prepare an accurate quote? Why is scheduling so essential in some situations? How do you guarantee that a project will be profitable? How do you recruit the right resources? What is expected from each person?
The author suggests a practical approach, based on an analysis of the project life cycle, to answer these crucial questions amongst others, focusing on the particular areas that require attention in order to best complete a translation project.
The English version, "How to manage your translation projects", is available in digital format (PDF). To order and download this e-book, go to our shopping page by clicking on Order Now below. *

* The print version of "Comment gérer vos projets de traduction" is only available in French. It can be ordered on the Edi.pro website at the following address:
Nancy Matis SRL
24A Avenue de la Renardière
1380 Lasne
VAT: BE 0478074297
Someone recommended "How to manage your translation projects" to me, and I'm happy with the purchase. The book is actually packed with useful information and uses clear examples to explain the various steps involved in a translation project. It has proven to be tremendously helpful for answering questions that all translators face when starting out. Highly recommended!
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)
I was given "How to manage your translation projects" while working as a translation intern. At first glance, the book seemed very interesting and full of helpful information for getting started in the field of translation. Wanting to become a freelance translator, I found this book to contain lots of useful information, like how to prepare a quote and understanding pricing, which kept me from feeling lost. The book is full of information that can help all young translators get started in this field. A must read!
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)

Jose Maria Delos Santos

Gisela Dixon

Reed D. James

THE ideal book for any translator who wants to freelance someday or work as a project manager. Even for translators with no interest in managing projects, background knowledge is still a valuable asset for fully understanding one's own work. This book is packed with helpful tips, price lists, and figures, all written clearly and concisely. I highly recommend it, and I plan to hold onto my copy forever for future reference!
A little something extra for my organisation.
(Comment translated from French, published on Amazon )
Finally, a book rooted in reality, that provides a step-by-step explanation of the translation project life cycle, featuring examples and practical advice. A must-have book for any translator, as well as for teachers wanting to introduce their students to the basics of professional translation.
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)
This book is really interesting for a freelance translator like me. It contains lots of examples and instructions for reproducing them in Excel.
However, I have to admit that I was also expecting to find information about the day-to-day tasks performed by translation project managers.
Still, 4 out of 5 because it covers how I can manage my day-to-day projects!
(Comment translated from French, published on Amazon: http://www.amazon.fr/Comment-g%C3%A9rer-vos-projets-traduction/dp/2874960527)
Are you looking for project management training without having to take a course? Are you an established freelance translator with multiple clients and multiple projects? Are you a student learning about translation or project management? "How to manage your translation projects" is for you! The explanations are straightforward and full of examples, the exercises are varied, and your questions are answered straight away. A clear, practical, and accurate tool. In one word: indispensable.
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)
A book for everyone because it really teaches you how to set prices and provides key details to help you deal with all types of requests. Stay away from other books, which can be completely unreliable, and opt for this Translator's Bible instead. I'll always keep mine within arm's reach.
(Comment translated from French, published on Amazon: http://www.amazon.fr/Comment-g%C3%A9rer-vos-projets-traduction/dp/2874960527)
This book provides you with all the information you need to know in order to manage your translation projects the right way.
It is an essential tool for understanding the business. Nancy Matis clearly explains what most translation project managers and freelancers have to learn on the job.
I believe most readers regularly dive back into it according to the various situations they have to deal with – a real working and learning tool!
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)
"How to manage your translation projects" is a real must-read - whether you are a student, an employee working for a translation agency or a freelance translator. This book is very helpful for both beginners and seasoned translation industry workers. It really helps you manage your projects and understand how you fit in the whole translation process. Nancy has really done a great job writing this manual, which relies on her great experience and expertise.
(Comment published on my LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=161446598&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile)
This book is very useful, very well structured and gives a full overview of the PM world. It gives a lot of examples which help the readers to understand better the job of Project Manager.
As Operations Manager at Lionbridge, I would strongly recommend each PM candidate to read this very interesting and detailed book.
(Comment received by e-mail)
A great book which will help me a lot during my Project Management internship in Paris in the months to come. To be put on your Christmas list or bought it immediately as this is really one of the best books I’ve ever read. It is full of tips and tricks and I think I’m ready for a great internship in France. The only issue: this book is so interesting that I can’t stop reading it, which annoys my boyfriend a little bit…
(Comment published on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TranslationProjectManagement?ref=hl)
Translation project manager is a relatively new profession that has been flourishing over the years and just starts to be taught in some schools. The book "How to manage your translation projects" connects the dots between theory and reality and explains in detail how to successfully carry out a translation project and highlights the major pitfalls a PM can face in different types of projects. I recommend this book (or rather manual) to anyone in the translation field who wants to have a better grasp on the different processes involved in a translation project.
(Comment received by e-mail)
Personally, I recommend this book to brand new freelance translators or to seasoned translators eager to improve their own project management practices. It's a real gold mine. The information is clear and easy to understand. The procedures can be fine-tuned according to your own profile and you will certainly find something that will help you in your business, in one way or another.
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)
During my internship as a project manager, my supervisor recommended me the book “How to manage your translation projects”. It quickly became my personal Bible – it’s indeed full of information, allowing you to understand in detail the life cycle of a translation project.
This book is a must read for any newcomer to the translation market.
(Comment received by e-mail, translated from French)
Congratulations, Nancy! I like your book very much, it is being very useful for my classes.
(Comment received by e-mail)
I've been delighted to discover your book "How to manage your translation projects". As a new freelance translator and proofreader (I started working part-time last year), I currently work only for direct clients and reading your book helped me better understand how a translation company works.
I plan to extend my professional activities in the year to come and the information provided in your book will be very useful to be efficient on larger projects of various types.
(Comment received via LinkedIn)
I am very pleased with your book and the information in it. It has been a tremendous help to me. So were the exercises on your website.
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