Online Consulting Services

Welcome to my online consulting services! 


As people often ask me to help them with their business, check their documents or answer technical questions, I've decided to offer this service from my website so I can assist as many people as

If you need help, mainly managing your projects, feel free to send me your questions. Whenever possible, please submit the solutions you are thinking of and I'll give you my opinion. If you really have no idea, I'll do my best to assist you and explain how I would deal with the case you describe.  For technical issues, members of my team can assist too, if necessary. Please avoid asking linguistic questions, but if you are completely stuck, let me know what the problem is and I'll tell you asap if I can be of any help or not.

All information received will, of course, be treated confidentially. I will always seek your authorisation before using your question and answer as examples.


  • I've just created my first invoice. Could you please look at it and check that I haven’t forgotten anything important?
  • Why is it better to ask end clients to send their source files (Adobe InDesign, for instance) instead of PDF files?
  • When quoting for website translation, we usually copy the content into a MS Word file. Is this a good practice?
  • As my business is growing, I'd like to build my own small translation agency. Can you tell me how to build a team of freelance translators?
  • How do you organise your business with freelance project managers working remotely?
  • Which resources and material do you use to build and manage remote teams?
  • Could you check our price grid and let us know if we have missed out any rate types?
  • Do you think our "translation" rates should include revision or should we make a distinction in our price grid between translation rates and revision rates?
  • Our agency would like to offer more than translation and revision only. Can you advise on the types of related services we could propose to our clients?
  • How can we reduce the cost of translation services?
  • As a local agency, how can we easily reach international markets and work for clients abroad?
  • Do CAT tools really improve a translator's productivity?
  • We recently faced some translation quality issues. What should we consider to improve the quality delivered by our agency?
  • An existing client sent me a link to a website asking me to quote to translate it. How should I do this and are there any possible issues? 
  • A client has suggested paying me early if I accept a 2% discount. How should I react?

Please fill in this form with the relevant information.

Add your files

5 fichiers au maximum.
Limité à 4 Mo.
Types autorisés : txt, xls, xlsx, pdf, indd, doc, docx.

I will analyse any question or request I receive and I'll let you know the price before I start working on it.

Depending on the complexity of the request and the time I need to deal with it, rates might vary between €10 and €250 per question. Payment must be made by PayPal and checked before answers are sent.

If your situation requires more involved consulting, we will discuss your requirements together to define a framework and decide on a budget before any work starts.


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