We often use the term "post-mortem" to describe the stage that involves a sort of
It should be noted that the purpose of a post-mortem is not simply to identify the problems that were encountered. Its main function consists of highlighting the solutions that were used to resolve these problems, the initiatives that deserve to be addressed, and any other factors that played a role in the completion of the project.
Apart from providing a post-analysis of the project, the report's purpose is to generate suggestions or recommendations for future projects. It therefore must be written in this spirit so that it may be useful for other projects and/or other project managers.
Publication: Matis, Nancy. 2005. La gestion de projets de traduction et sa place dans la formation de traducteurs, Équivalences, number 32/1 2005 - "La traduction à l'heure de la localisation" HEB, Haute École de Bruxelles, 47-62.